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Excellent real estate promotion and presentation listing images are essential to stand out from the pack. Often the original is quite a good
view and composition, but just needs to be balanced. Not every shot can be perfect due to the weather, the time of day they are taken,
equipment and amount of time one has to shoot a property. Often images can be corrected to open up the shadow areas, correct
lighting (for instance when a sensor sets exposure to a very bright spot in the composition), correct lens distortion and/or the camera not
being level. Sometimes just a subtle correction will make an image closer to the feel of the actual space or help in the space's description.
Below you will see some typical corrections that enhance the information in the image. There are hundreds of possibilities of what can
be corrected, strengthened or adjusted. It is not merely changing an exposure of an image!

The top set of images were taken from an actual real estate listing online October 25, 2011
The before images courtesy of Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Inc., Queensbury, NY

before and corrected/after Victorian house view, exterior front
Exposure, contrast, value corrections. These four were challenging ones!
before and corrected/after Victorian house view, exterior front
before and corrected/after Victorian house view,  apartment
before and corrected/after Victorian house view, guest house

private residence Pittsfield , MA (images by L.H.Barker)

before and corrected/after Cape view,  street view
Most of this set was fairly good to start with. Above, more depth, different exposure, opening up the shade and shadows etc.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  front entrance  facade
Above, more depth, different exposure, opening up the shade and shadows etc.
before and corrected/after Cape view, front entrance  walk
Mainly opening up the shadow & shade areas.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  front and side exterior
More foreground definition, opening up shadows & shade, improving contrast on structure.
before and corrected/after Cape view, side and basement access
More foreground definition, opening up shadows & shade, improving contrast on structure.
before and corrected/after Cape view
Opening up shadows & shade, improving contrast on structure.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  deck
Opening up shadows & shade, improving contrast on structure, correcting some lens distortion.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  deck screened room
Opening up shadows & shade, improving contrast on structure, correcting some lens distortion.
before and corrected/after Cape view, deck view
before and corrected/after Cape view, deck view
Opening up shadows & shade and improving contrast. Shady and wooded areas are a challenge to get the best exposure.
before and corrected/after Cape view entrance hall
Resetting the exposure and hues without washing out the whites.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  living room
Resetting the exposure and hues without washing out the whites. Notice how the volume of the room gets corrected doing this.
before and corrected/after Cape view, living room
Resetting the exposure and hues without washing out the whites.
Here is a typical case where the sensors tend to read the bright window areas.
before and corrected/after Cape view, central dining  area
Adjusting the exposure and opening up the shade areas such as the staircase.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  kitchen
Rebalancing and adjusting the exposure and opening up the shade areas to convey the correct volume of the space.
before and corrected/after Cape view, half bath
Deep tones are challenging to make every thing read properly so it looks like it feels when one is in the room.
This also had the lens distortion corrected.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  loft view of dining area
Again, compensating for the bright french door light without loosing the light colors.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  bedroom
Opening up the shadows and deep tones while allowing the lights to still be defined.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  full bath
Slight color correction, defining the whites and millwork details.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  office/bedroom
Value, color and tone corrections.
before and corrected/after Cape view
Defining the space more clearly, adjusting the window light balance.
before and corrected/after Cape view,  family room/bedroom
Defining the space more clearly, adjusting the window light balance.
before and corrected/after Cape view, unfinished basement
Balancing the french doors brilliance with the rest of the basement space.


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Fine interpretive architectural and historical painting
331 Ridge Rd, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: (518) 792-0879
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